TCP Updates

Collaborative efforts of the Department of Tourism and the Tourism Congress of Philippines amidst COVID-19 pandemic

Collaborative efforts of the Department of Tourism and the Tourism Congress of Philippines amidst COVID-19 pandemic

A compilation of the TCP Memorandum Circulars on TCP’s recommendations to DOT on COVID 19 Effect, and the DOT and the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) Resolutions and Guidelines from March 2020 – December 2020 for the travel industry.

Further information and details will be accessed on the link provided.

TCP’s Recommendations to DOT on COVID-19 Effect- as conditions
continue to worsen for the tourism industry with the spread of COVID
-19, along with the quarantines now being imposed around the country, to
ensure the industry’s survival following are the recommendations.

  • Clear and Focused Messaging from the Government
  • Continued Marketing Support to the Stakeholders for Domestic and International Markets
  • Financial Assistance
  • Finish off infrastructure projects that need to be finished while arrivals are still low, i.e. Boracay
  • Moratorium on bank loan payments and credit card payments for accredited Tourism industry stakeholders
  • Reduction on corporate income tax
  • Financial Assistance to tourism industry workers
  • Suspend payments for utilities
  • Mandate a suspension of rental payments
  • Suspension of the Value Added Tax

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Health and Safety Guideline for Governing the Operations of Accommodation Establishments under the New Normal

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IATF-EID Permits Travel Agencies Operation – A permission for travel agencies under Category IV to carry administrative and back office work with a skeletal workforce under a General Community Quarantine (GCQ), Resolution no 51 Letter D.

As requested by the private sector, the DOT and DTI sought and received approval of the IATF-EID.

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Foreign Nationals Entry in the Philippines

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Age Limit Requirements for Boracay Travelers – the relaxation of age limit requirements for travelers to Boracay Island during Modified General Community Quarantine

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Amendment to IATF Resolution No. 52 regarding the temporary suspension of nonessential travel for Filipinos

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DOT Update Report on Reopening of Tourism – DOT to the TCP regarding efforts take in preparation for the eventual reopening of tourism.

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DOT Reminder for Hotels and Accommodation Establishments – Reiteration of the rules and guidelines covering accommodations establishments allowed to operate. This is in light of the recent complaints and comments received by the DOT regarding inadequate safety and health protocols at some establishments.

Asking for cooperation in following the guidelines to ensure the health not only for the guests but of the staff as well.

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IATF-EID Resolution No. 69 for Identified Priority Groups – Amended the Interim Omnibus Guidelines on Surveillance, Case Finding, Contact Tracing, Quarantine or isolation and Testing for COVID-19, for identified priority groups to include international and domestic tourists.

Behind the guidelines include the implementation of a) proper clinical assessment, and b) determining the right text for the right reason under any circumstance.

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Guidelines for Staycations Under GCQ

DOT’s signed Memorandum Circular no. 2020-0020B otherwise known as “the Further Amended New Normal Health and Safety Guidelines for Accommodation Establishments and Administrative order No. 2020-006 known as the Guidelines for Staycations under GCQ.

Link to Resources: MC 2020-049 / MC 2020-51

IATF Resolution No. 85 an update on the entry of balikbayans and overseas Filipinos starting December 7, 2020.

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Tourism Congress Elects New Board

The Tourism Congress of the Philippines (TCP), the private sector consultative body which assists the government in the development and implementation of Tourism policies, recently elected a new Board of Trustees which will serve until 2022.

Tourism Congress Elects New Board

The newly installed officers are:  Jose Clemente III, President; Lucas Nunag, Executive Vice-President; Albert Banaag, Vice-President for Luzon; Peter Tay, Vice-President for Visayas; Harry Morris, Vice-President for Mindanao; Orlando Ballesteros, Secretary; Marisa Nallana, Treasurer; and Bob Zozobrado, Public Relations Officer.

The other Trustees are Victor Martinez, Edgar Cases, Henry Oyao, Cindy Marie Verar, and Regina Amador.

Serving as the voice of the Tourism Industry on matters of national interest, particularly those affecting the private sector, the TCP is composed of representatives of tourism enterprises all over the country, including former Secretaries of Tourism. 

It is also responsible for developing a strong and an institutionalized partnership between the government, through the Department of Tourism, and the private sector.

The Board of Trustees has equal representations from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao in each of the following sectors: Accommodation enterprises, travel and tour services, land, air and sea tourist transport services, conventions and exhibitions services and suppliers, tourism estate development and management services, and other accredited tourism enterprises.

The new members of the Board hit the ground running as they immediately met to discuss their plan of action for the next two years, aware that they are faced with the urgent and serious task of overcoming the effects of the pandemic on the country’s Tourism Industry and the economic impact on its stakeholders.

Owners and officers of Tourism enterprises all over the country are encouraged to join the TCP and get involved, through established channels, in the formulation and development of strategies that will ensure sustainability of the Tourism Industry. 

Information on membership to the TCP is available at the Secretariat through 09178909921 care of Ched Maglinte or through or